Saturday, April 16, 2011

...that animals are smarter than they appear.

We're dogsitting this weekend.

Of course, with our bird in the house, I figured that this was going to shape up as an adventure.

I was RIGHT.

She has gone to the bathroom on our carpet, played numerous games with us, and whined when we left her for a previous engagement. All typical. But something was not to be expected.

Mozart (the bird) and Daisy (the puppy) have made friends. IT'S BIZARRE. She just spent about 10 minutes just staring at her little buddy. He is trying to call her back now that she is out for a walk. They're totally friends now, and it's kinda freaking me out.

But this has me thinking on animal behavior.

You know the way that animals follow the people around them? Yeah, you know what I'm going to say next: That's how we should follow God. Yes, I am predictable. It's who I am. But anyway, we should. And as Easter approaches, I say to myself, "This will be a fun topic to write about, since this is the time of year that animals are beginning to be born, and soon they will be following us around like they are totally dependent on us (which they are)."

So, to be clear: God is the owner, and we are the animals. Ever notice that when a puppy runs away from the house of a friend when they're staying there, they try to make it back to their home? Last year, when we watched a different dog for friends, he ran away and tried to make his way back home. Except things didn't end up that way.

I don't want to talk about it. He's alive, thankfully, but he got hurt.

Bottom line: It's time to start thinking about sticking at God's heels, no matter what. It's going to go more smoothly. Trust me.

What I still don't understand is how a dog and a bird can coexist without one trying to kill the other. I'll add that to my list of questions to ask God when I see Him.

Enjoy Palm Sunday.

And the YUMMY breakfast that I am helping prepare, if you attend my church.

Now go out into the world (on God's heels), and SPREAD THAT GOOD NEWS FAR AND WIDE!

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