Saturday, July 2, 2011

...that God is SO great.

Please, no comments on the fact that it's been a really, REALLY long time since I've blogged. I've been a little...well, less than responsible on the topic of keeping up with this blog. I'm hoping to turn that around.

Anyway, I just got back from camp, and I had the most AMAZING time! I made several new friends-some of whom (whose names will not be mentioned- BEN) seem to enjoy causing me pain- who I'm really glad I got the chance to get to know, made some awesome memories, and really grew in my walk with Christ. One of my favorite places to be (and most of my friends can testify to this) was the lake. Whether going on a waterslide into it, swimming in it, splashing in it, or just sitting by it and thinking, this lake is by far my favorite place on Earth. And while sitting by Crystal Springs Lake and spending some time with my Savior, I really got a glimpse of His great, awesome glory.

I have a friend (whose name really will go unmentioned) who accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior this week. It was so wonderful to see this friend after he came to know Christ. On one instance this week, he and another friend were down by the lake before our night activity, and as I walked by, I was asked to take a picture of them. After I had, he proceeded to show me an amazing picture of him looking out over the lake while the sun set. It was quite possibly the most beautiful picture I had ever seen. It really gave me a glimpse of the side of God that I think I love most- His majestic side.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I spend WAY too much time caught up in technology, friends, and other distractions, and I forget to just take in the awesome power of our God. And it's not exactly easy, in a world full of crime, sickness, death, and sin, to always see the true glory of Jesus. But whenever I get the chance, I always try to sneak away from the world and just admire God.

I'm just so overwhelmed, I can't even begin to tell you how five days of God and I one-on-one have changed me. It's amazing to see even a glimpse. I won't even try to describe it, because there aren't any words. I really encourage you to try and get alone every day and just praise God for His exquisite love and beauty. It really gives you an appreciation for Him and everything He made. And it makes you feel so at peace! I haven't been this calm for a long, long time.

Trust me- praying for and about things is good, but it's always good to praise God for how awesome He is.

You'll love it if you try it!

Please? Just once. It's good for you (and not like eating your vegetables is good for you- good for your soul.)


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