Friday, June 3, 2011

...that we need to slow down and take things a little more seriously.

I have a problem.

My dad, being the smart person he is (no sarcasm there- he's really smart), gave my sister and I the responsibility of some chores around the house. Now, this is in preparation for the day when we have our own houses and will have to do these chores ourselves, and I am grateful to know how to do these important things.

That is not the problem.

The problem is that almost every week, I go too fast when vacuuming and don't do a good enough job. It's quite disappointing for both my dad and me.

Now, in real life, this doesn't really make too big of an impact. You just go a little slower, and everything get's picked up, right?

When you're officially in high school, it makes a difference.

My friends and I were celebrating the arrival of summer vacation earlier today, when it hit me: I AM A FRESHMEN IN HIGH SCHOOL! (Yes, I am still attending classes at a middle school, but it all counts towards high school, so it counts.)

It's getting pretty serious right now.

I can't just slack off anymore. It's not just between me, my parents, and my teachers anymore. Anyone who wants to employ me, or have me attend their school, or just know about me in general, can and will see these grades. It's scary.

In this fast paced, high-maintenence world that we live in, it's easy to get caught up in the world's fun and games. It's easy to lose sight of the prize while still in the running for it. We need to start paying more attention to ourselves and what we're doing. It is so incredibly simple to forget whose we are and the way we need to live in order to show the world the same love God showed us.

Like my vacuuming skills, we can all develop the practice of slowing down, taking our time, and doing it right.

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